Tenant Screening
Property managers and owners want to make decisions based off of the best information available. The current criminal system across the country does not allow for criminal and eviction records to be “Instant”. In order to get the most broad and accurate information on an applicant, you need to utilize a screening provider that researches each application and narrows the details on facts that can be verified and not what some limited database provides. ACRANET has a research team that investigates every detail of the screening including the appropriate areas to examine on a criminal and eviction search, where the bulk of the information on each applicant is stored, which varies state by state. The same level of investigation ranges from the credit report all the way through to the rental and employment references that are contacted.
Prices Starting as low as $10. Custom packages are available.
Full credit reports include the FICO score, credit history, delinquent accounts, public records, bankruptcy, all trade lines and debt to income ratio. We have access to all three credit reporting agencies.
An Address and SSN Verification is essential in locating who the applicant is, other names they are known as and where the applicant has lived. Verification of a name associated with an SSN as well as place and date of issuance are included in this report.
The most wide-ranging criminal search available is the multi-jurisdictional search which provides a national scope of state and county criminal records. This search should be used in in conjunction with a county or state criminal search.
Provided alongside most Criminal searches offered, this search provides all registered sex and violent criminal offenders with felony conviction records.
Each state holds records differently, Depending on each state this level of search assures the most in depth and accurate court records in which the conviction is recorded. Most felony and misdemeanor cases are filed in county courts. This search provides criminal records that may include information regarding the degree of the offense, offense dates, case numbers, filing dates, defendants, counts, trial dates, verdicts, disposition, disposition dates, and sentencing information.
Utilize the ACRANET staff to research and identify legitimate current and former rental information through an in depth process that does not simply just call the number that the applicant provides. The tools used allow for an easy process for managers/landlords to use to quickly provide resident information.
ACRANET staff will research and contact the applicant’s current employer and verify position, wage, dates if provided.
A Comprehensive National Eviction search researched and verified by the ACRANET staff.
Provides Public record, tax lien and judgements not available on the credit report.
With criteria individually designed for each Property Management company, you can quickly and impartially analyze your standards for each category of the report you request.
- Credit
- Credit Score
- Criminal
- Trade-line Payment History
- Eviction History
- Collection/Charge-off History
- Rental and Employment History
- Bankruptcy History
- Debt-to-rent Ratio
- Tax Lien History
- Income-to-debt Ratio
- Judgment History
There is also an option for an overall decision or a grading system that provides a risk tolerance evaluation.
Criteria individually designed for each Property Management company. Quickly and impartially analyze your standards of each category of the report you request. Credit, criminal, eviction history, Rental and Employment history, Debt-to-rent ratio, Income-to-debt ratio, credit score, trade-line payment history, collection/charge off history, bankruptcy history, tax lien history, and judgement history. There is an option for an overall decision or a grading system that provides a risk tolerance evaluation.
A completely personalized application that will display your criteria, disclosures, questions, logo and more. ACRANET will assist in the process of building the application that you can display on your website or email applicants a link directly.
Similar to the online application, let ACRANET’s system integrate your lease, addendums, disclosures or any other forms where you can Approve or Deny any applicant and with a few clicks, submit an electronic lease for the applicant to sign without the burden of the applicant having to physically sign.

Many companies in the screening industry market a variation of a “National Criminal Search”. This generally includes bulk data available to all in the industry, but it is neither national, nor is it all-inclusive. Unless carefully managed, that data will return many false positive results and overlook large areas of the country where no data is available. These are typically delivered in a instant search.
Rather than relying on a single database, ACRAnet’s Multi-State Criminal Search digs deeper.
Our processing team verifies the data manually, making sure to search for other names the applicant has used in their life. Using their residence history, we inform you of any additional searches that we recommend—all the way down to the county level, to ensure we are retrieving the most accurate data possible.
In addition, ACRAnet enhances this search by expanding it to include Federal Exempt Persons lists from the HHS and GSA. These lists also include persons of concern for financial institutions (both federal and international), most wanted lists, health and human services, and terrorist watch lists. A complete list of these searches can be requested.
Many in the screening business charge extra for these searches, but ACRAnet includes them in your package at no additional charge.


Landlord Screening
Landlords of any size benefit from working with ACRAnet. The options provided can be tailored to fit your property while still being designed to meet industry needs. For example, recommendations are based on different landlord associations’ criteria in order to be applicable across a spectrum of uses.
Choose from:
- Full, Viewable Tenant Screening Report
- Recommendation Report
Online Rental Application
Online applications simplify the process for both the landlord and the applicant. The application is customized for your property’s standards and then included on your company’s web site for full availability night and day. Information from the application can also populate other forms, minimizing data entry time and the potential for errors.
- Instant Notification when an application is submitted
- Credit Card Payment Accepted
- Incredible Processing Speeds
- Minimal Cost
This is a common misnomer and something that is causing a significant legislation concern across the United States. The majority of Tenant Screening companies in the United States provide Instant Criminal and Eviction searches and have limited, if any staff people. What many of these companies provide is not screening, rather they are linking into to a limited and out of date database that has filters in place to locate people if a match is made to the applicant. The problem is that there is not a National Criminal database that houses all the criminal records in the United States. Most states or cities have a local jurisdiction search needed that one can only get direct from that region. ACRANET employs a staff to identify the best type of search for each applicant and to verify each record before returning to our customers as well as callers to do thorough research and reference checks ensuring the highest possible accuracy.
Credit reports are the only thing that is instant. The Criminal and Eviction search takes up to 8 business hours. Reference calls take up to 3 business days based on being at the mercy of the reference.
ACRAnet accesses multiple data sources, unlike most screening companies that do 1 “National Search” without verifying, ACRANET access numerous sources tailored to each applicant including courthouses across all 3,200 counties in the United States, national criminal databases with millions of records, state sex offender registries, the Federal Court PACER system, and state Department of Motor Vehicles.
ACRANET has an open API and is eager to integrate with any willing technology partner. We at ACRANET know that integration is the way of the future and are excited to partner with wonderful business to fit our customers’ needs”
Custom Forms
Property management comes with all kinds of paperwork and documentation. ACRAnet gives customers access to a number of the most commonly used documents and also makes them customizable. Adding to the convenience, the system provides a feature to populate data directly from the application into the form.
Some of the forms used for this feature include:
- Custom Lease Integration
- Adverse Action Letter
- Criminal Letter
- Eviction Letter
- Move In and Out Forms
- Customize and Store All Documents Used for Applicant Process
Technology Solutions
Property Management Software Integration:
Property managers want the convenience of ordering and viewing background checks with the click of a mouse in their property management software. ACRAnet and their partners have done just that. The integration enables property managers the ability to combine the power of ACRAnet’s background screening software with the user-friendly management software.
ACRAnet is always looking for ways to help their clients become more efficient and partnering with Property Management software systems plays a large role in accomplishing this. By using ACRAnet’s integration with our partnered software providers, property managers are able to place orders and view reports without going outside your property management software. This solution will even populate ACRAnet’s powerful recommendation into an applicant’s management software profile.
Custom Lease Integration:
Speed up the leasing process by generating ready-to-print lease forms with the click of a mouse. The forms are automatically pre-populated with the information that was already entered by the applicant. Create, edit, store,
and even upload your own legal and other forms.
Need more information on tenant screening? Contact us today!
Tenant Partners